70 Olaf Quotes From Disney’s Iconic Snowman from Frozen

There are a lot of really great things about Disney’s Frozen and Frozen 2. There’s the acting, the story, the music, and the voice talent. However, the best part about the movies might just be everyone’s favorite snowman, Olaf. If you are wondering why he should be everyone’s favorite, just keep reading these funny olaf quotes about love, life, and random ‘facts’!

Little Elsa and Anna build him as kids before magic makes their lives a little crazy. Then, poor Anna spends years asking Elsa, “if she wants to build a snowman?” Olaf is a fond memory of both girls as evidenced by Anna trying to get her sister to interact with her, and Elsa recreating the snowman of her childhood when she felt confused and lost, after having turned Arendelle into a winter wonderland.

Ever wonder why they named him Olaf, though? Well, the name Olaf is Norse for “ancestor’s relic”. The name is ‘sainted and regal’ in Norway, but gets used in a more oafish manner in the US.

Once Olaf is brought to life, he says many things that are funny and absurd. However, he also says some endearing and insightful things too. These olaf quotes highlight the keen observational power, innocence, and wit that make him such a wonderful addition to the movies.

Don’t forget to also check out these Frozen quotes that will thaw your heart.

Funny olaf quotes that remind you to laugh when life is tough

1. “Hey Anna! Sven! Where’d you guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there!” ― Olaf

2. “Hey, we were just talking about you! All good things, all good things.” ― Olaf

3. “Oh, look at that. I’ve been impaled.” ― Olaf

4. “Don’t chew that; You don’t know what I stepped in.” ― Olaf

5. “Look, the sky’s awake.” ― Olaf

6. “Knock. Just knock. Why isn’t she knocking? Do you think she knows how to knock?” ― Olaf

7. “Oh, I love it. It’s so cute. It like a little baby unicorn.” ― Olaf

8. “Watch out for my butt!” ― Olaf

9. “Sorry, I just found clothes restricting.” ― Olaf

10. “Quick question. Is this whole, “putting us in mortal danger” going to be a regular thing?” ― Olaf

11. “Sven promised to read me a bedtime story.” ― Olaf

12. “You do the best voices! Like when you pretend to be Kristoff.” ― Olaf

Best olaf quotes and sayings about love, hugs, and kisses

13. “I guess I was wrong. I guess Kristoff doesn’t love you enough to leave you behind.” ― Olaf

14. “I’m not leaving here until we find some other act of true love to save you! Do you happen to have any ideas?” ― Olaf

15. “Because I love you, Anna, I insist you run.” ― Olaf

16. “Whoa, you really don’t know anything about love, do you?” ― Olaf

17. “Love… is… putting someone else’s needs before yours. Like, you know, how Kristoff brought you back here to Hans and left you forever.” ― Olaf

18. “I just thought of one thing that’s permanent. Love.” ― Olaf

19. “I understand, you’re love experts.” ― Olaf

20. “Only the act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.” ― Olaf

21. “Let’s go kiss Hans! Who is this Hans?” ― Olaf

22. “Hi, everyone. I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs!” ― Olaf

olaf quotes about seasons and the weather

23. “Oh, I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved the idea of summer, and sun, and all things hot!” ― Olaf

24. “Whoa, so this is heat. I love it! Ow, but don’t touch it!” ― Olaf

25. “Yeah, it really is beautiful, isn’t it? But it’s so white. How about a little color?” ― Olaf

26. “When I finally do what frozen things do in summer!” ― Olaf

27. “Winter’s a good time to stay in and cuddle but put me in summer and I’ll be a… happy snowman!” ― Olaf

28. “Y’know, how about a little color? I’m thinking maybe some crimson; chartreuse. How about yellow? No, not yellow. Yellow and snow?” ― Olaf

29. “How I wish it would stay this way forever. Although, fall mocks us with change.” ― Olaf

Inspirational and heartwarming olaf quotes we can relate to

30. “We call this making the best out of what we can control!” ― Olaf

31. “I love happy endings.” ― Olaf

32. “Some people are worth melting for.” ― Olaf

33. “Hands down, this is the best day of my life.” ― Olaf

34. “Because when you’re older, absolutely everything makes sense.” ― Olaf

35. “I still don’t know what transformation is, but I feel like this forest has changed us all.” ― Olaf

36. “How do you guys cope with the ever-increasing complexity of thought that comes with maturity?” ― Olaf

37. “Change mocks us with her beauty.” ― Olaf

38. “You said some things never change, but since then, everything has done nothing but change.” ― Olaf

39. “Come on, it’ll be fun. Unless we get stuck here, you starve and I give up.” ― Olaf

olaf quotes about life and random facts

40. “People blink 4 million times a day.” ― Olaf

41. “Wombats poop in squares.” ― Olaf

42. “Men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning than women.” ― Olaf

43. “Did you know that water has memory?” ― Olaf

44. “Turtles can breathe through their butts.” ― Olaf

45. “My theory about advancing technology is both our savior and our doom.” ― Olaf

46. “Did you know that an enchanted forest is a place of transformation?” ― Olaf

47. “It makes me wonder why they just didn’t make the whole ship waterproof.” ― Olaf

48. “I don’t have a skull. Or bones.” ― Olaf

49. “Oh, the giants—they’re huge!” ― Olaf

50. (When his friends question his facts) “Well, that was unanimous—but I will look it up when we get home.” ― Olaf

Iconic olaf quotes from everyone’s favorite snowman

51. “You hesitated.” — Olaf

52. “Who knows the ways of men.” — Olaf

53. “Hey do me a favor, grab my butt!” — Olaf

54. “I—I don’t even know a Samantha!” — Olaf

55. “Glide and pivot. And glide and pivot.” — Olaf

56. “I like to consider myself a love expert.” — Olaf

57. “Did you know gorillas burp when they’re happy?” — Olaf

58. “So, I’m made of snow, and I’m walking on snow. That’s kind of weird.” — Olaf

59. “I will have all the answers when I am older, like why we are in this dark, enchanted wood.” — Olaf

60. “It began with two sisters. One born with magical powers, and one born powerless, with her love of snowmen, infinite.” — Olaf

More memorable olaf quotes

61. “And who’s the reindeer?” — Olaf

62. “Forgive me. Maturity is making me poetic.” — Olaf

63. “I’m just living the dream, Anna. Oh, how I’d wish this could last forever.” — Olaf

64. “Tell me, you’re older, and thus all-knowing, do you ever worry about the notion that nothing is permanent?” — Olaf

65. “This just got a lot more complicated.” – Olaf

66. “Just maybe not right this second.” – Olaf

67. “Why aren’t you running?” – Olaf

68. “Ah, that feels better.” – Olaf

69. “But, we ran all the way here.” – Olaf

70. “Really? Wow, I can’t wait until I’ve aged just like you, so I don’t have to worry about important things.” – Olaf

Which of these olaf quotes is your favorite?

Here are few genuine Olaf facts that you might not be aware of! Once I learned who it was though, I couldn’t unhear it or fathom how I didn’t realize it sooner! Josh Gad, who does a spectacular job playing LeFou in Disney’s live-action Beauty and the Beast voices Olaf.

If you are like me, when you watched Beauty and the Beast, LeFou’s voice sounded familiar to you, but you couldn’t place it. Now, I can’t watch one movie without thinking of the other character!

Early in the film’s conception, when the idea of Elsa controlling an army of scary snowmen was being thrown around, Olaf was originally written to be one of the guards at her castle.

However, when the creators realized the story worked much better with Anna and Elsa as sisters, Olaf quickly became something that bonded them together and reminded them of love and happier times. He gives viewers that same love, innocence (while still making the adults laugh), and joy.

What are your favorite olaf quotes and lines? Use the comment section below to let us know!


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